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VirHom - Virgin Homeopathy means The Original Hahnemannian Homeopathy (Pure, Untouched, Unspoiled, Natural Health & Healing Science)

The Father of Homeopathy

The Father of Homeopathy

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (10th April 1755 - 2nd July 1843)


Master Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of Homeopathy. He established the fundamental principles of the healing science of homeopathy. Homeopathy is only an experiment and proven science. There is no speculation, assumption, theory, or philosophy in the healing science of homeopathy. To practice this established healing science scientifically is a skilled job of the homeopathy physician so we called it an Art sometimes. But it’s a super fundamental science of the master Hahnemann, nobody can change the basic principles of science and it’s a very useful medical science that only can cure. It’s a boastful statement about homeopathy for some people and other systems of doctors. But it’s true even after 200 years. Dr. Hahnemann established and made it almost perfect science after the investment of their whole life (48 years of real investment of his life). He was the only medical genius who founded homeopathy and established it almost perfectly in the medical world. Sir William Osler, was the father of modern medicine. He said about Dr. Hahnemann, ‘No individual has done more good to the medical profession than Samuel Hahnemann’.


Dr. Samuel Hahnemann is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases. Before Dr. Hahnemann, medicines were given on speculative indications, mainly based on authority without experimental verification.


Dr. Hahnemann discovered the remedial powers of drugs and inert substances such as gold, platinum, silica, vegetable charcoal, lycopodium, etc. By preparing the medicines through potentization (firstly trituration till 3C and after that succussion), these inert and insoluble substances became soluble after trituration till 3C and were charged with medicinal force. In the sixth edition of Organon of Medicine, he changed the process of preparation of medicines. He recommended triturate till 3C (1/100 × 1/100 × 1/100) and after that, he told us a new method to convert the medicine into a more dynamic and mildest one. He said after 3C that we should take 1 part of 3C and 500 drops (400 drops distilled water + 100 drops absolute alcohol). This is LM0 or 0/0 (1/100 × 1/100 × 1/100 × 1/500) or the mother solution of the Fifty Millesimal Potency. Subsequently, we should take 1 drop of LM0  or 0/0 and add 100 drops of absolute alcohol and create the 100 succussions against the palm now it becomes LM1 or 0/1 (1/100 × 1/100 × 1/100 × 1/500 × 1/100) of Fifty Millesimal Potency in the liquid form. Now he recommended taking approximately 500 poppy seeds of sugar of milk or 10 number globules and adding one drop to saturate these tiny globules (as per Impregnation of globules in the Lesser Writings) and the LM1 or 0/1 (dry) is ready to dispense for the patients. And further he was recommended to prepare LM2 or 0/2 that we should take 1 tiny globule, dissolve it with 1 drop of distilled water, add 100 drops of absolute alcohol and create 100 succussions; the LM2 or 0/2 is ready in liquid form and we now have to repeat the process to saturate the 500 tiny globules with 1 drop of LM2 or 0/2; the dry medicine LM2 or 0/2 (dry) is ready to dispense for patients. We can repeat the same process for LM3 or 0/3 as we proceeded in LM 2 or 0/3 and so on….till LM30 or 0/30. He improved these the most important changes to deal with the weak, delicate patients; high-pathological, dying, terminal diseases, acute, emergency, acute exacerbation of the chronic diseases, pregnant mothers, infants, children, and old age patients easily and without aggravation. So now there is no need to fear aggravation or consider Kent's 12 observations. Practicing with LM or Fifty Millesimal Medicinal (The Dynamic, Mildest, and Deep Acting) Potencies is rare or without aggravation.

Dr. Hahnemann espoused the law of cure known as "Similia Similibus Curentur", or "Like Cures Like". This means that a remedy that produces symptoms in a healthy person will cure those same symptoms when manifested by a person in a diseased state. This law of cure has been verified by millions of homeopaths all over the world since the time of Dr. Hahnemann.

Hahnemann discovered the primary and secondary actions of remedies. The primary action results from the first encounter between the vital force and the external agent, and the secondary action is a result of the vital force's reaction to the symptoms of that primary encounter. This discovery led him to the curative powers of poisonous substances.

Dr. Hahnemann described the different aspects of 'acute' and 'chronic' diseases. Acute diseases are transitory; they have a beginning and an end, whereas chronic diseases are co-existent with life. Either they are present in a manifest or a latent state. From this work came the chronic miasms of Psora, Syphilis, and Sycosis.

Dr. Hahnemann was the progenitor of several modern medical approaches. Deeming the treatment of insane patients to be cruel and harmful, he advised humane treatment for the insane. He cured many insane patients with homeopathy and became famous for this success.

Dr. Hahnemann was quick to recognize poor hygiene as a contributory cause of the spread of disease. His success with cholera and typhoid fever was in part due to this recognition. Hahnemann also emphasized the importance of nursing, diet, bed rest, and isolation of patients during epidemic diseases. Hahnemann described 'Noxious' principles as the precursors of certain disease states.

Hahnemann's three major publications illuminate the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine (revised six times), we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. His book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homeopathic Cure showed us how natural diseases become chronic when suppressed by improper treatment.