Virgin Homeopathy Exclusive....COMING SOON....!

VirHom - Virgin Homeopathy means The Original Hahnemannian Homeopathy (Pure, Untouched, Unspoiled, Natural Health & Healing Science)

Know Us

We are a close-knit group of dedicated professionals who have diligently been following Virgin Homeopathy (the true, classical, and original version of Homeopathy or Hahnemannian Homeopathy)! After many years of experience and validation of our methods, we have embarked on a mission to enlighten the established and emerging homeopathy community around the globe.

Dr. Dharmendra Chak with his VH team (Dr. Yashwantrao B. Patil, Dr. Nedhe D. Chakk, Dr. Sonal N. Waghmode) trained almost 200 skilled doctors and they are experts in Virgin (The Original Hahnemannian) Homeopathy. The other doctors' list is in the following link.

To spread awareness about correct & complete knowledge as laid down by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. To guide homeopaths and help them to understand Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s literature in a synthesized way (& not in an analytical way). To inculcate the necessary skills to be an ‘Ideal Physician’ in terms of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. To make Homeopathic practitioners competent in successful prescription. To build confidence to handle, treat & ‘Cure’ each & every patient suffering from various kinds of pathologies. To make them aware of other necessary information for their patients like natural healthy diet & regimen, healthy routine, obstacles to cure, etc. To help Homeopathic practitioner’s an increasing number of patients & percentage of cures. To inculcate the necessary abilities to be a successful doctor e.g. personality & communication. To coach Homeopathic practitioner’s to establish homeopathy as a proper business. To increase the number of “True Homeopaths” in the world who can truly and selflessly benefit mankind.

To establish the principles of Virgin Homeopathy i.e. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s correct & complete curing approach, all over the world. And, to spread awareness about the almost perfect method of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann amongst the Homeopathy Fraternity & Laymen from all over the world for the benefit of humanity.

We strictly believe and follow two of Dr. Hahnemann’s statements:
  1. "I had not lived in vain".
  1. If I didn't know for what purpose I was put here on earth - to become better myself as far as possible and to make better everything around me, that is within my power to improve - I should have to consider myself as lacking very much in worldly prudence to make known for the common good, even before my death, an art which I did possess, and which it is within my power to make as profitable as possible by simply keeping it secret"

The above two statements sum up our overall love of wisdom.

To spread Homeopathy as per the original principles and curing approach as laid down by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.