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VirHom - Virgin Homeopathy means The Original Hahnemannian Homeopathy (Pure, Untouched, Unspoiled, Natural Health & Healing Science)

English/Hindi - Online VHSC - 6 Months Fundamental Course (Virgin Homeopathy Scientific Coaching)

English/Hindi - Online VHSC - 6 Months Fundamental Course (Virgin Homeopathy Scientific Coaching)

Course Summary

Medium of instruction: English is now a second language offered in the Virgin Homeopathic Scientific Coaching (VHSC) course lectures (videos). Please take note that for the past few years, the course has been effectively provided in Hindi.


Course Structure: VHSC course is provided in form of 13 modules. Each module in turn consists of 5 lectures except the 13th Module. These lectures (60 in total) are provided in the form of video recordings. In the 13th Module, aspirants of VHSC can listen to the 20 case studies that are solved by the VirHom and Hahnemannian Homeopathy. The aspirants of this course can access the live case study session whole life.


Course Duration: The entire course spans a total duration of 26 weeks. Details of lectures covered during these 26 weeks are provided below.

Course overview & What will I learn?

Module 1

(Weeks 1 and 2)


  1. Introduction to Virgin Homeopathy and its need; the importance of “The 6th Edition of Organon of Medicine” as a guiding, ultimate, and almost perfect book for understanding Dr. Hahnemann’s Vision of Homeopathic Principles & Curing Approach.

Learning outcomes: Students will clearly understand:

  • The rationale behind the phrase “VIRGIN Homeopathy”. Evidence that proves the perfectness of the 6th Edition of Organon (as compared to previous editions).
  • Homeopathic diagnosis, concept, or approach as told by Dr. Hahnemann.
  • Why the science of Homeopathy is better in comparison to other medical sciences?


  1. A detailed study of different methods/ systems in Homeopathy; Their evolution, scope, and limitations; Which system to follow?

Learning outcomes: Students will get an understanding of -

  • Other methods of prescribing and their limitations (Mind Method, Genetic Constitutional Similimum Method, Eclectic High & Low, Mixer’s School, Kentian Method, Low Repeated or Eizayaga Method, Imaginary or Sensation Method, Allopathy Oriented Method, Low Physical Method)
  • Why is Dr. Hahnemann’s Method (i.e. Virgin Homeopathy or Hahnemannian Homeopathy) or the 6th Edition of Organon Oriented Method or LM/Water Potency Method the most perfect method of prescribing (as compared to the above-mentioned methods/systems of medical sciences) and how it can potentially help in permanently curing all types of cases with ease, gentleness, and amazing rapidity.


Module 2

(Weeks 3 and 4)


Mistakes in Prescribing. Common Mistakes made during handling of Acute, Chronic, and Emergency cases.


Learning outcomes: This is one of this course's most important crucial modules.

  • It provides a detailed analysis of the most common mistakes and pitfalls that Homeopathy practitioners tend to make while prescribing remedies.
  • Understanding this is crucial for better patient outcomes and, more importantly, helps reduce the practitioner's unnecessary mental load.


Module 3

(Weeks 5 and 6)


I. Homeopath as a Medical Observer; An Ideal Physician; Criteria/approach to become an ‘Ideal Physician’; An understanding of Eternal Laws of Nature.  How much to rely on statistical data, medical research interpreted knowledge from medical books that are taught in the curriculum. The Correct concept of Health, Disease, and Cure as per our master Hahnemann.

     Learning outcomes: Here students will learn to

  • Appreciate and truly acknowledge/ understand what exactly Dr. Hahnemann’s vision of an ideal physician was and how to become one by rigorously adopting his teachings as they were revealed and documented.


  • Become self-reliant and independently capable of deciding between correct and incorrect healing practices.


  • Differentiate health, disease (true acute, chronic, and assaulted or drug diseases), and cure-rapid, gentle and permanent


  • Rationally apply eternal laws of nature in their practice.


The main outcome will be that students will become capable and efficient medical observers enabled with capabilities to analyze varied sources of data, research, medical books, etc., and their relevance strictly in terms of Dr. Hahnemann’s principles.


II­­. Understanding Dr. Hahnemann from his perspective; Approach to study Dr. Hahnemann’s literature; Which books to read/follow, and in what order; Protocol of Hahnemann in chronic diseases.

Learning outcomes: At the end of this module, students will

  • Have a clear perspective of Dr. Hahnemann’s literature and his science. By this time, they will get more confident about how and which principles to apply and at what time


  • Understand the exact protocol of Dr. Hahnemann with Diabetes as a case study. The experience and expertise of your tutors in handling Diabetes will be shared as a live case study. This learning will help students to gain confidence in prescribing every disease without causing harm to the patients.


Module 4

(Weeks 7 and 8)


Selection of suitable potency, dose & its repetition; the significance of water dosages and LM (Fifty Millesimal) potencies; Why water potencies?

Learning outcomes: This module is one of the main pillars for a successful practitioner. By the end of this module, students will -

  • Understand the evolution of potencies and doses used by Dr. Hahnemann.
  • Appreciate LM potencies and their deep-acting nature. What makes LM potencies quite powerful concerning curing time (Reference to Latest Nobel laureate literature that indicates water’s capability to preserve information
  • Understand the importance of hand-made potencies and water doses & understanding the art and science of repetition.


Module 5

     (Weeks 9 and 10)


Case taking according to Dr. Hahnemann - Academic & Practice; How to synthesize/complete the symptoms and grade them according to their importance; How to create a holistic picture of the disease for a patient.

Learning outcomes: At the end of this module,

  • Doctors/ students will gain expertise in actual ‘case-taking’ exactly as taught by Dr. Hahnemann. Special Attention will be given to the guidelines given by Dr. Hahnemann in ‘The Organon’ and ‘Lesser Writings.
  • They will be able to practically apply this knowledge with 100% confidence in a live clinical setting.


Module 6

      (Weeks 11 and 12)


Different types of prescriptions –

  1. Indisposition
  2. Acute diseases
  3. Genus epidemics. Managing newly emerging epidemics, endemic and pandemic diseases. Preventive Homeopathy.
  4. Vaccinosis?
  5. Constitutional prescription?

Learning outcomes: This module is quite extensive, and by end of this module, students will learn:

  • Understand different prescribing techniques
  • Achieve a good understanding of the protocol followed by Dr. Hahnemann
  • Achieve the caliber to prescribe exactly and obtain results in all above-mentioned cases (rapidly and gently).


Module 7

(Weeks 13 and 14)


Different types of prescriptions –

  1. Organopathic prescription
  2. Psychological cases (or mental disorders / One-sided diseases).
  3. Hypochondriac and Hysterical Patients
  4. Intermittent diseases & intermittent fevers. Emergencies
  5. Abuse of Allopathic Medicines

Learning outcomes: This module is quite extensive, and by the end of this module, students will -

  • Understand different prescribing techniques
  • Achieve a good understanding of the protocol followed by Dr. Hahnemann
  • Achieve the caliber to prescribe exactly and obtain results in all above-mentioned cases (rapidly and gently).


Module 8

(Weeks 15 and 16)


I. Homeopathic Diagnosis: Chronological order of symptoms - ROS (or more troublesome state to less | more troublesome signs and symptoms to less); Synthesis of the case (Totality vs. Altered/Morbid/Disease State Similimum); Prescription base; What constitutes definitive data that can be used for selection of the right (SUITABLE or APPROPRIATE - Similimum) remedy? Characteristic symptoms, disposition & physiological action of remedies?

Learning outcomes: This module will help students to -

  • Comprehend an exact view that enables one to examine the case according to Dr. Hahnemann.
  • Become capable of independently synthesizing a case in a real context rather than analyzing it using a traditional/elimination approach.
  • Is it to Interpret information to form a homeopathic totality?
  • Get to the core (central issue or theme or thread) of the case?


II. The science and art of Repertorization; Steps to follow; How to narrow down to the correct group of remedies? Where to find the right rubrics? Which repertories are recommended for use? Is it necessary to effectively translate what the patient says into repertory language?

Learning outcomes: This extremely important module will help students to -

  • Was Dr. Hahnemann’s quote against all old and current existing Repertories? Do you know?
  • Understand Repertorization technique in complex mixed miasm cases
  • How to repertoire when there are multiple symptoms/states?
  • Distinguish between high-rated symptoms and less important symptoms when analyzing cases
  • Overall, after Repertorization, students will be able to confirm obtained Similimum with MMP and TCD. Understand the importance of VirHom Software (the World’s First Rubric Free Software)


Module 9

(Weeks 17 and 18)


Chronic Diseases: Evolution of Chronic diseases and 97 Observations (or Suppression of Itch and its consequences); Nature of Chronic Diseases and its assaulting by allopathy or maltreatment of any other method of medical science even homeopathy (incorrect understanding and implementation of the science of homeopathy)

Learning outcomes: Most of our fellow Homeopaths (including previous legends and present-day stalwarts) didn’t correctly understand (and are not using) the extremely important concept and science of chronic diseases as told by Dr. Hahnemann. This module will help students to –

  • Understand the concept of Evolution and the Nature of chronic disease with its scientific importance as exactly put forward by Dr. Hahnemann. Why did Dr. Hahnemann study for 12 years to understand it?


Module 10

(Weeks 19 and 20)


Miasms: Significance of 494 symptoms of non-venereal Diseases (or Psora Miasm - Primitive Itch, Latent Psora and Internal (Developed) Psora and Significance of 212 symptoms of venereal diseases (Sycosis and Syphilis); Demarcation of miasm?

Learning outcomes: Most of the fellow Homeopaths (including previous legends and present-day stalwarts) didn’t quite understand and appreciate the extremely important concept of Miasms (and approach to their treatment), as told by Dr. Hahnemann. This module will help students to -

  • Understand the concept of Miasms as exactly put forward by Dr. Hahnemann
  • Identify and critically understand the symptoms of Psora and latent Psora (as enlisted in The Chronic Diseases).


Module 11

(Weeks 21 and 22)


I. Treatment and Cure of Chronic Diseases (or Miasms): 48 Anti-psoric remedies; Handling weak & sensitive cases; Prevention of propagation of hereditary diseases (Psora) Correcting disposition & tendencies? And limited medicines to treat or cure Sycosis and Syphilis as per Master Hahnemann?

Learning outcomes: Most of the fellow Homeopaths (including previous legends and present-day stalwarts) didn’t quite understand and appreciate the extremely important concept of Miasms (and approach to their treatment), as told by Dr. Hahnemann. This module will help students to -

  • Smartly apply 48 anti-psoric remedies in clinical practice for obtaining permanent cures in highly pathological/ weak or sensitive cases.
  • Learn the art of anti-psoric prescribing,
  • Suggest ways to prevent Psora from passing on to the next generations. Perform “disease-tendency correction for more healthy outcomes in patients.
  • Smartly apply limited anti-sycotic and anti-syphilitic remedies in clinical practice for obtaining permanent cures in highly assaulted and maltreated cases.


II. Principles of Diet & regimen as indicated by Dr. Hahnemann; Obstacles to cure, (in light of modern-day lifestyle/ scenario)

Learning outcomes: This module is quite often overlooked. But given its importance, it forms a very crucial component of the course. By the end of this module, students will -

  • Be able to customize diet and regimen, suggest to patients natural and best living practices, and help them e obstacles in their cure.
  • Be enabled to correct daily practices followed by patients in their daily routine instead of blindly and illogically placing restrictions on their diet.


Module 12

(Weeks 23 and 24)


I. Follow up & case management; The how and what of Intercurrent remedies. Here, this is an important thing that must be managed by a physician smartly. If you learn Virgin Homeopathy or Dr. Hahnemann’s method, then we are sure that you become capable of the cases very simply without a doubt.

Learning outcomes: This module is quite important, and by the end of this module, students will -

  • Clearly understand the concept of Intercurrent remedies as laid down by Dr. Hahnemann
  • Become capable in the use of intercurrent remedies in a smart manner, so that every case is handled with ease.
  • Wide understanding of aphorisms 253 and 280. And Recurrence Issues during dealing with the patients of aphorisms 74, 252, and 286.


II. Happy Mother and Healthy Child Program - Its Protocol as per Hahnemann and Treatment Criteria - Preparation of Parents (or Free from Diseases - Miasm) or Healthy Parents (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual well-being), Recommend correct lifestyle and diet to avoid consequences before and during conceiving (or sexual functionality and better relationship with partner and others) and before, during and after pregnancy or avoid Caesarean deliveries and vaccination, Anti-psoric treatment before and during pregnancy to achieve blissful delivery.

Learning outcomes: This module is quite important, and by the end of this module, students will -

  • Make themselves capable to handle being parents through Preparation [Natural, Normal & Healthy Life – Diet, Regiment (Daily Routine or Life Style), Vitality and Longevity Exercises like – Proper Yoga, Qi-Gong, Tai-Chi, and Slow Martial Arts, etc.] before Conceiving (To make normal, natural, & healthy parents); Conceiving Time (Relationship Timings | Healthy Body and Mind); After Conceiving – Pregnancy – Trimester Wise Antipsoric Treatment; Helps during labor pain, during Delivery and After Birth of the baby.


Module 13

(Weeks 25 and 26)


I. Analysis and understanding of treatment approach using difficult case studies. In the 13th Module, aspirants of VHSC can listen to the 20 case studies that are solved by the VirHom and Hahnemannian Homeopathy. The aspirants of this course can access the live case study session whole life.

Learning outcomes: Students will learn 

  • How to analyze using one or more difficult case studies which involved dealing with inter-current prescribing.
  • How to deal with acute symptoms that appear intermittently during the treatment of chronic cases?


II. Miscellaneous topics or any topics that came up during discussions and learning.

Learning outcomes: Students will -

  • Share will share their experiences with their tutors and learn/ improve their skills as to how to apply the knowledge that they have learned holistically.


Your JOURNEY of LEARNING is COMPLETED after 13 modules.

This will be followed by CONVOCATION & CELEBRATIONS.

English/Hindi - Online VHSC - 6 Months Fundamental Course (Virgin Homeopathy Scientific Coaching)

Features: 12 Modules | 26 Assignments | 60 Recorded Videos Lectures |12 Live Discussions | 5 VirHom | Software Training Tutorials (90 Days Demo Free) | 20 - Recorded & Solved Case Studies | Life Time - Live Case Study Sessions

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